A widow at a young age, with two daughters aged 4 and 6. Moving home, moving province, to settle in a new town, leaving the familiar behind, but doing what she knew to be best. Settling kids into new schools, encouraging new friendships, creating a new life. Standing on her own, financially and physically. Starting again, determined, focused on the future, with an unwavering set of priorities. All the while mourning the loss of a husband, a soul mate.
Fast forward 30 years. Both daughters married, four grandchildren (with another two on the way!), a move once again to a new life, a new way of living. Rediscovering herself, and enjoying different things,new hobbies, a new circle of friends. A proud, content woman, socially a source of strength to those she loves, a strong support to her family, an indisputably amazing mom, a wonderful gran. That same set of priorities - namely her family - as steadfast as ever.
Strength in the face of adversity. A big one, and one that was certainly learnt through watching my mom as she single handedly raised two girls, through the tumultuous school years, the social challenges only those teen years can bring, through University and marriages (not to mention the more than a few boyfriend issues we gave her to deal with!). She never gave up, never gave in. She remained firm in teaching us what was right and wrong, and when adversity arose (which it did), she kept her back straight, her head held high and remained unwavering in her principles. This lesson is a big one. One I hope my children can one day say I taught them.
Absolute and unconditional love. There is no book that can teach you how to actively practise the depth of love a mother has for her children. I was lucky growing up. In everything she did, in every decision she made, in every "no you may not" and "yes you have to" she demonstrated the sheer depth of her feelings. At the ripe old age of 36 I can appreciate the lesson in this journey.
To be selfless, to be motivating, to encourage, to teach. To support, guide, step up and step back, to know when to hold hands and when to push. I am lucky that she is my mom. But I am equally as lucky that she is grandmother to my kids.
So to my very special mom, I'm Just Saying... Thank you. And I love you. Happy Mothers Day <3